Adult Tapping For Stress Reduction – EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Tapping.
These audio files are a guided session of EFT (Tapping) for Stress Reduction. It helps to release energy, reduce Cortisol levels and leave you feeling calmer and more at ease. I see Tapping help my clients with flying in airplanes, public speaking, driving on highways or at night and the list goes on. They tell me it helps them find balance, take back their power and it is then easier to focus on solutions.
I take you through the series of Meridians or tapping points on your face and sternum as you say statements that could be causing you stress. Research shows that activating the meridians while you state the issue can slow down the Fight or Flight response. It is a simple technique that is quick to learn and you can use it whenever and wherever you need to reduce stress or anxiety.
These audio files include an Intro with instructions. A morning and evening track for stress reduction and a bonus track for overcoming anxiety subliminal music.
This is a downloadable package of 4 MP3 files.